?_ېlBTotal Commander+Copyright 1993-2004 by Christian GhislerBrowseButtons ()ZmainmainOrO:rOz0W?  Om##O,l?2/&;)z4(_(|CONTEXT|CTXOMAPֆ|FONT|KWBTREEo|KWDATA|KWMAPF|SYSTEM|TOPIC|TTLBTREE|bm0|bm1|bm10|bm11v|bm123|bm13|bm14|bm15 |bm16I(|bm17(|bm182|bm192?|bm22|bm20 I|bm21J|bm222O|bm23P|bm24S|bm25V|bm26YW|bm274[|bm28_|bm29ǃ|bm3P|bm30؆|bm4s|bm5|bm6|bm7|bm8c|bm9ed to the application. cmdline for the simple starting of programs with parameters, simply by typing the program name or by pressing CTRL+ENTER or CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. dlg_search= with full text search in any files across multiple drives. XF8-#Fڶ"wadd_markedfiles E:\HELP\TOTALC~2\MARKED_E.BMPvm [*g1gASP Association of Shareware Professionals> ' .What is shareware?*g: Bƀ܀Shareware lets you try a program for a period of time before you buy it. Since you've tried a shareware program, you know whether it will meet your needs before you pay for it. If you use this program for a longer time than the specified trial period (30 days), you are expected to register it. A licensed version of this product includes the permanent right to use the product for an unlimited time. The licensed version also disables the registration screen when starting the program.I+ &<The Ombudsman StatementF^4 6%ƀThis program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or technical problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please contact the ASP Ombudsman online at http://www.asp-shareware.com/omb ./) " F^1About Total Commander7XN jq"ʀ܉ About Total CommanderTotal Commander, Copyright 1993-2005 by Christian GhislerAll rights reserved, especially copying of the registered version,translation to foreign languages and the decompilation.This program is Shareware, please register it to allowfurther development of the program.,'  DX1i@Additional licences4 4 6Additional licencesAdditional licences allow an institution, company or school to install the program on multiple computers or on a server. All licences are issued to the same (company) name, which appears in the program's title bar. It must be guaranteed that the program does not run on more machines at the same time than there are licences purchased.All licences are issued to the same (company) name, which appears in the program's title bar. You will receive one CD and one quick reference card._4[ + &hExamples for calculating additional licences:  f a U Licence for 5 users: 40.-+4x20.- = CHF 120.-Licence for 10 users: 40.-+9x20.- = CHF 220.-Licence for 15 users: 40.-+9x20.-+5x15.-= CHF 295.-Licence for 25 users: 40.-+9x20.-+15x15.-= CHF 445.-Licence for 50 users: 40.-+9x20.-+15x15.-+25x12.-= CHF 745.-Licence for 100 users: 40.-+9x20.-+15x15.-+75x12.-= CHF 1345.-Licence for 250 users: 40.-+9x20.-+15x15.-+75x12.-+150x8.-= CHF 2545.-I[ C T For larger amounts than 1000 please contact us by E-Mail via http://www.ghisler.com/sales.htmOrder of additional licences to an already existing licence:An existing licence can always be extended by additional licences. Such additional licences cost the difference between old and new licence, plus 5 Swiss Francs for shipping and handling. Minimum amount for additional licences (repeat order): CHF 40.Important: Please provide your original registration number - you can find it on the original disk, the registration letter, or in the about box of Total Commander.k+f i@@ NWExample: Licence extension from a 5 user licence to a 30 user licence:5x20.- + 15x15.- + 5x12.- + 5.- (s&h) = CHF 390.-For questions, please ask by E-Mail via http://www.ghisler.com/sales.htm . At i@your request, we can send you a special order form for additional licences by e-mail.E@1@RAAddress South AfricayRi@'A' Total Commander RegistrationS.P. Systems ccP.O. Box 74749Lynnwood Ridge0040+@RA&  : 'AA1'.]*ACAssociate RAC4 6YRAssociate with...This menu option opens a dialog box where you can associate data files with programs.The association allows starting the appropriate editor for a file, simply by double clicking on the file. The association is not restricted to Total Commander, but also works in file manager and program manager.If you selected the corresponding options in the configuration dialog box, the icon of the associated program is shown to the left of the file name.'AC$ ,CC'  OC;D1 ?(Ɂ,;DNBackground transfer manager...ECD& >Background transfer managers;D*F7 <Opens a separate window, which allows to copy, move, or download files in the background.To add jobs to the background transfer manager, select the files you want to copy, move or download, and click the "+" button or press the "+" key on the numeric keypad. This will open a context menu to add a new action.Here is a description of the dialog box elements:D?HS tXu~<Progress bar>Shows the progress of the currently transferred file (not the overall progress)Shows the queued items to be processed, including the currently processed item at the top+Button to add new transfer jobs to the manager-Button to remove the selected jobs from the manager. The currently active job cannot be removedPausePauses the current operation, e.g. when the internet connection is needed for other tasksR*FKC TXu~Speed limitAllows to limit the transfer speed of uploads and downloads (not copy operations!). Useful if you want to use the Internet for other tasks during the downloadThe menu of the + button can contain the following commands:Add URL to downloadHere you can paste an URL in the form Form http://www.server.com/datei.zip . You can such an URL e.g. by right clicking on a link in your browser, and choosing "Copy link".Add selected items for downloadingYou will get this menu item if you are connected to an FTP server and have selected some files. It allows to download the selected files in the background. The same can be achieved by checking "Download in background (separate thread)" in the download dialog. However, a separate transfer manager will be opened then, and it will close automatically when the download is finished.f ?H:NF ZAXu~㦐kAdd selected items for copyingAllows to copy (disk->disk) the selected files in the backgroundAdd selected items for movingAllows to move (disk->disk) the selected files in the backgroundEdit list fileIf you have used the command "FTP download from list", the background transfer manager reads the list of files to be transferred from a list file. With this command, you can add further operations to the list file. If you add them to the end of the file, the background transfer manager will add them automatically to the queue..KhN+ &Xu~-:NN( KhNN1F~+?(NBranch view (with subdirs)NG \[2 Branch viewShows all files in the current directory and all subdirectories in a single file window. This is useful to find a file by name, for which the directory isn't known, or to use tools like the Multi-RenamNNe-Tool with all files also in Subdirectories. You shouldn't use this command in the root of very big disks because it can take a long time to complete. The command can be aborted with ESC. Shortcut: Ctrl+B.New: When leaving branch view mode with Ctrl+B and the cursor stands on a file in a subdir, Total Commander will go to that subdir instead of the branch view root (use F2 or Ctrl+R to go to branch view root).1N, ( 8; "1"Button bar=_< F8 `=BThe Button barWith the button bar you can call menu commands, external programs and even other button bars. If you leave the mouse cursor on a button for a moment, a small window with a description will appear.You can easily add buttons to the button bar using Drag&Drop (with pressed SHIFT key). By pressing the right mouse button, you can open a local menu, which allows to change or delete buttons. For further changes in the button bar you should use the Dialog box to change the whole button bar.+"( 8-_(  81HkCD-Tree8 >8CD-TreeOpens a dialog box with the tree of the current drive. Select a directory (by pressing OK or double click on it) to change to the selected directory in the source window.See also: Dialog box TreeIH1]*' HƈCalculate occupied space+s2 2oa/͉Calculate occupied spaceCalculates the space occupied by the marked files and their complete subdirectories. If no file is selected, the space occupied by the file or directory under the cursor bar is calculated. Additionally, the file size is rounded to the cluster size of the source and destination directory, to get real space required. The space for the directory information itself is not considered.If the source directory shows the contents of an archive, this function is not available.'H$ ,sƈ'  S"1 Centrum Rejestracji OprogramowaniaI"ƈb' DDistribution site for Poland:M&' LCentrum Rejestracji Oprogramowaniab^- (Skulski Enterprises Polska Sp. z o.o.Wierzbowa 2805-822 MilanowekWeb: http://cro.skulski.ple-mail: shareware@skulski.com.+ &XY~F^Ҋ1 ҊChange directory menuS%%. ,JXY~Dialog box: Change directory menuQҊv4 6;The directory menu is invoked with CTRL+D, or a double click on the current path header.To move menu items to a different line, put the cursor bar on the desired entry, hold down the SHIFT key and move it using up and down arrow keys. You can also drag items using the mouse.v%Z 9XU~U   FieldMeaningDirectory menu:Shows the existing entries of the directory menu. If you select an entry, the command line and parameters belonging to it are shown.Add item...Creates a new entry in the directory menu. Asks for a menu title first. A & sign causes the letter behind it to be underlined. Enter a single dash '-' to create a separator line.Add submenu...Creates a new submenu. Asks for a menu title first. Submenus are shown with a dash in front of the name. The end of the submenu is shown with two dashes.vW |9XU~U   Delete ItemDeletes the selected menu entry. Choose CANCEL to cancel all changes.Change Title...Changes the title of the menu entry.Command:This box contains the command to change the source directory. It looks like this:cd Drive:\DirectoryNew (v5.51): You can also choose one of Total Commander's internal commands from the dropdown combobox, e.g. cm_OpenDesktop to switch to the Desktop..+ &Xu~";: BXU~UTarget path:Then the path given in this edit box is set in the target window. This allows to set both paths (source and target) at the same time. You can either specify only the path, or the commandcd Drive:\TargetDirectory.i+ &Xu~;jR r_XU~U OKSaves the changes made to the file wincmd.ini in the Windows directory.CancelCloses the dialog box without saving.HelpOpens Windows Help with this page.-i( Gj1!) Change file attributesP noa/͉Change file attributesAllows the setting and resetting of the attributes read only (r), archive (a), hidden (h) and system (s). Select the files whose attributes you want to change, then choose Change attributes from the menu Files.You can also change the file's date and time (only files, not directories, except for Windows 95/98/ME, for NT/2000 this requires admin privileges to 'open' the directory with backup privileges).LN jDz`;This command also works on files in subdirectories, if the corresponding option is selected.If the source directory shows the contents of an archive, this function is not available.See dialog box Change attributesIf Total Commander is connected to an FTP server, the Change UNIX attributes dialog box is shown.1, ( 8P1M Change to root/parent directory/ ,M8Change to root/parent directoryPressing the left button switches to the root directory of the current volume. The right button changes to the parent directory.($ > C1<-CACombine files7z& "Combine files.C+ &Xu~zC T This function allows to combine multiple files to one big file. Total Commander can not only combine files created with its own function split file, but also files created with the Unix command split -b. Put the cursor on the first partial file and choose 'combine files'. The file names must be numbered in ascending order, or have letters in ascending order. Total Commander will detect file.001, file.002, file.003, but also fileaa, fileab, fileac etc.b2!0 .eIf a file with the same name and the extension .crc is found in the same directory as one of the partial files, Total Commander will use this file to check the combined file for errors. Furthermore the original file name stored in the CRC file will be used as the target name for the combined file.4 6wXu~Combine XXX and all files with ascending names to the following directory:Here you can enter the target path. Leave this field empty to combine the files in the current. directory.1!A, ( 8= ~1~Command lineAQ p{8 㒋0Command lineAll letters you type are redirected to the command line. By pressing ENTER you can execute the command line. Old command lines are saved in a history list. By pressing CTRL+Cursor down you can open this history list. Hold down the CTRL key and choose an entry using the cursor keys. ~AThen release the CTRL key and press any cursor key to close the history list.For a list of all function keys see Command line: keys+~( 8-) "XuH818;BCommand line parametersJ- *:XuCommand line parameters8% Total Commander can be called with one or two directories as command line parameters. This will set these directories in one or both of the file windows. This allows you to create multiple icons for Total Commander in progman or the start menu, which start Total Commander in different directories or even with packed files. Furthermore a different ini file than the default wincmd.ini can be specified to allow multiple users on the same machine to have different settings in Total Commander.!9 @Syntax:totalcmd.exe [/o] [/n] [Drive1:\Directory1 [Drive2:\Directory2]] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]or:totalcmd.exe [/o] [/n] [/L=Drive1:\Directory1] [/R=Drive2:\Directory2] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]Parameters:_lU xX~p/Bp/BDrive:\DirectoryLoads the first directory passed to Total Commander into the left window, and the second into the right window. Directory names containing spaces must be put in double quotes! Always specify the full path name including the drive!/OIf Total Commander is already running, activate it and pass the path(s) in the command line to that instance (overrides the settings in the configuration dialog to have multiple windows)/NOpens in any case a new Total Commander window (overrides the settings in the configuration dialog to allow only one copy of Total Commander at a time)| m X~Sʉ/L=Set path in left window/R=Set path right window/SInterprets the passed dirs as source/target instead of left/right (for usage with /O). For example, a dir passed with /R= will be interpreted as the target dir./TOpens the passed dir(s) in new tab(s) (for usage with /O)/P=Sets the active panel at program start: /P=L left, /P=R right. Overrides wincmd.ini option ActiveRight=./i=name.iniUse a different INI file name.ini instead of wincmd.ini to save settings (see also: INI file description).;l# I `X~ [/F=ftpname.iniUse a different INI file name.ini instead of wcx_ftp.ini to save settings for built-in FTP client./d=Delays the start of Total Commander by seconds (meant for the startup folder, if there are problems with other programs, which start at the same time)/INSTALLDRIVER(Windows NT/2000 only) Install parallel port driver - only needed if you want to use the parallel port connection as a normal user and not as an administrator. Needs to be run as an administrator.e  2 4X~/REMOVEDRIVER(Windows NT/2000 only) Removes the driver installed with the switch /INSTALLDRIVER.#  + &XU~Uf5 N 1 2jXfThe switches are NOT case sensitive.Examples: 9 @Xftotalcmd.exe c:\windowsleft window is loaded with c:\windowstotalcmd.exe d:\data c:\programsleft: d:\data, right: c:\programstotalcmd.exe /R=d:\dataright window: d:\datatotalcmd.exe "d:\Letters to Mr. Smith"left: long name -> in double quotes!totalcmd.exe /R="d:\Letters from Miller"right window loaded with long nametotalcmd.exe c:\data\backup.zipopens backup.zip in the left windowvN / .X|totalcmd.exe /I=Miller.ini /F=MFtp.iniuse Miller.ini instead of wincmd.ini for all settings, and MFtp.ini for FTP"A4 6X|totalcmd.exe /O /AL=c:\ /R="d:\doc"Activate already running Total Commander and set the left path to c:\, and the right path to d:\doctotalcmd.exe /O /S /R=c:\somepathOpen c:\somepath in the current TARGET panel of the running program. Explanation: /S causes Total Commander to read /L as source and /R as target directory instead of left and right.totalcmd.exe /O /T /L=c:\somepathOpen a new directory tab on the left side of the already running Total commander with c:\somepath in it.&B# -A;B( CB~B17 ~BrMCommand line: keys=;BB' ,Command line: keys.~BB+ &X~BC) "If Total Commander is active, nearly all keyboard input is directed to the command line.Here is the layout for some keys:<B)F\ yXǁ=~  ENTERThe command line is executed, if it contains at least one character (otherwise, the program under the cursor in the source window is started). If the command is cd, md or rd, it is executed internally. If it is an internal DOS command, DOS will be executed with this command. Otherwise, a program with the given name is executed.SHIFT-ENTERSimilar to ENTER, but with preceding command /c. After the called DOS program is terminated, its window is not automatically closed. This will only work if the file noclose.pif is in your Windows directory.KCtH_ Xǁ=~    CTRL-ENTERThe file under the cursor in the source directory is added to the end of the command line.CTRL-SHIFT-ENTERThe file under the cursor including its path is added to the end of the command line.CTRL-CURSORDOWNor ALT+F8A list with the latest command lines (history-list) is opened. Hold down the CTRL key and use the up and down cursor keys to select an entry. By pressing the left or right key, you can edit the command line. This automatically closes the list.')FJW |Xǁ=~     TABPuts the cursor back to the source directory.Cursor keysCursor left and cursor right move the cursor through the command line, even if the cursor was in the source directory before. If brief was selected, these keys move the cursor through the source directory. You then have to hold down SHIFT to move it inside the command line.Cursor up and cursor down move the cursor bar inside the source window, even if it was inside the command line.tHKI `kXǁ=~   ESCClears the command line, put cursor back in file window.CTRL+YClears the command line, cursor stays in command line.CTRL+C (32 bit)Copy selected text to clipboardpJBL9 BPǁ=~ CTRL+X (32 bit)Cut selected text to clipboardCTRL+V (32 bit)Paste text from clipboard to command line.KFML fqXǁ=~    CTRL+ECopy previous command to command lineCTRL+KDelete to end of lineCTRL+WDelete the word to the left of the cursorCTRL+TDelete the word to the right of the cursor,BLrM'  CFMM1MCompare by content<rMM& ,Compare by content!MO. *Compares two files by their content. In the 32 bit version the differences are displayed in color in a dual list. In the 16 bit version only the result of the comparison is shown (same or different).The two files are chosen as follows:M4 6XT.-If more than one file is selected, the two first will be compared-If only one file is selected, it will be compared with the first selected file in the target window-If only one fOrMile is selected, and no file is selected in the target window, it will be compared with a file in the other window, having the same name (if it exists)-If no file is selected, the file under the cursor is compared with a file in the other window, having the same nameb2O0 0dSSee also: Dialog box - Compare by contentDÁ1''ÁCompare directoriesT$0 .ICompare directoriesCompares the contents of the source and destination directory. Newer files are selected. Files missing in one directory are also selected in the other. Only newer files are marked, not all differing files. This behavior is similar to a popular Commander for DOS. _.Áv1v߄Configuration - Change Settings Files Directlyi-߄< F[Sʉ0sConfiguration - Save Settings Files DirectlyOpens the files wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini for editing directly. This allows to change special settings not available in the configuration dialogs. In most cases, it's necessary to close and re-open Total Commander to make the settings active.Nv-1-Configuration - Save settingsuE߄0 .Configuration - Save SettingsWith this menu option the current file display settings and directories are saved, even if auto-save is turned off. It also saves the current position and size of Total Commander, and the current tabstops in the file windows. The position is saved separately for each screen resolution.Q -1G_VConfiguration: Change button bar8 >)Configuration - Change Button Bar...Allows to change the Button bar directly below the main menu.SeeConfiguration - Change button bar.*' oG010Configuration: OptionsEu* $6oConfiguration - Options0$- (This is the main configuration dialog for Total Commander. Most settings can be changed on one of the pages of this dialog.W)u{. ,RXY~Please select a page from the header:$8 3,^ p/B#y&u &B EDLFfѭFcx&?hĉVn